JMLR Workshop and Conference Proceedings

Volume 15: Active Learning and Experimental Design workshop
in conjunction with AISTATS 2011
May 16, 2010, Sardinia, Italy

Supplemental Material

Editors: Isabelle Guyon, Gavin Cawley, Gideon Dror, Vincent Lemaire, and Alexander Statnikov
Causality workbench logo

The Website of the Active Learning Challenge is still available for post-challenge submissions.
Appendix I: Result Tables and Challenge Fact Sheets
The fact sheets describe briefly the methods used by the participants to solve the tasks of the challenge. Click on the name of the team in the first column of the table to get access to the fact sheets.
[Download slides and technical reports from the workshops held in conjunction with AISTATS 2010]
Appendix II:  Technical Report Describing the Datasets of the Challenge
This report describes the design of the datasets and the results of baseline methods. It provides details not disclosed to the participants, including data source and nature of the features.
[Download the data]
Appendix III: Technical Report describing the Challenge Implementation
This report presents how the challenge was implemented using the Virtual Lab of the Causality Workbench. The user interacts via a web interface with an object-oriented the Matlab software library called GLOP.
[Link to the Virtual Lab][Download GLOP]