Results of the Sequence PredIction ChallengE (SPiCe): a Competition on Learning the Next Symbol in a Sequence

Borja Balle, Rémi Eyraud, Franco M. Luque, Ariadna Quattoni, Sicco Verwer
Proceedings of The 13th International Conference on Grammatical Inference, PMLR 57:132-136, 2017.


The Sequence PredIction ChallengE (SPiCe) is an on-line competition that took place between March and July 2016. Each of the 15 problems was made of a set of whole sequences as training sample, a validation set of prefixes, and a test set of prefixes. The aim was to submit a ranking of the 5 most probable symbols to be the next symbol of each prefix.

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@InProceedings{pmlr-v57-balle16, title = {Results of the Sequence PredIction ChallengE ({SPiCe}): a Competition on Learning the Next Symbol in a Sequence}, author = {Balle, Borja and Eyraud, Rémi and Luque, Franco M. and Quattoni, Ariadna and Verwer, Sicco}, booktitle = {Proceedings of The 13th International Conference on Grammatical Inference}, pages = {132--136}, year = {2017}, editor = {Verwer, Sicco and Zaanen, Menno van and Smetsers, Rick}, volume = {57}, series = {Proceedings of Machine Learning Research}, address = {Delft, The Netherlands}, month = {05--07 Oct}, publisher = {PMLR}, pdf = {}, url = {}, abstract = {The Sequence PredIction ChallengE (SPiCe) is an on-line competition that took place between March and July 2016. Each of the 15 problems was made of a set of whole sequences as training sample, a validation set of prefixes, and a test set of prefixes. The aim was to submit a ranking of the 5 most probable symbols to be the next symbol of each prefix.} }
%0 Conference Paper %T Results of the Sequence PredIction ChallengE (SPiCe): a Competition on Learning the Next Symbol in a Sequence %A Borja Balle %A Rémi Eyraud %A Franco M. Luque %A Ariadna Quattoni %A Sicco Verwer %B Proceedings of The 13th International Conference on Grammatical Inference %C Proceedings of Machine Learning Research %D 2017 %E Sicco Verwer %E Menno van Zaanen %E Rick Smetsers %F pmlr-v57-balle16 %I PMLR %P 132--136 %U %V 57 %X The Sequence PredIction ChallengE (SPiCe) is an on-line competition that took place between March and July 2016. Each of the 15 problems was made of a set of whole sequences as training sample, a validation set of prefixes, and a test set of prefixes. The aim was to submit a ranking of the 5 most probable symbols to be the next symbol of each prefix.
TY - CPAPER TI - Results of the Sequence PredIction ChallengE (SPiCe): a Competition on Learning the Next Symbol in a Sequence AU - Borja Balle AU - Rémi Eyraud AU - Franco M. Luque AU - Ariadna Quattoni AU - Sicco Verwer BT - Proceedings of The 13th International Conference on Grammatical Inference DA - 2017/01/16 ED - Sicco Verwer ED - Menno van Zaanen ED - Rick Smetsers ID - pmlr-v57-balle16 PB - PMLR DP - Proceedings of Machine Learning Research VL - 57 SP - 132 EP - 136 L1 - UR - AB - The Sequence PredIction ChallengE (SPiCe) is an on-line competition that took place between March and July 2016. Each of the 15 problems was made of a set of whole sequences as training sample, a validation set of prefixes, and a test set of prefixes. The aim was to submit a ranking of the 5 most probable symbols to be the next symbol of each prefix. ER -
Balle, B., Eyraud, R., Luque, F.M., Quattoni, A. & Verwer, S.. (2017). Results of the Sequence PredIction ChallengE (SPiCe): a Competition on Learning the Next Symbol in a Sequence. Proceedings of The 13th International Conference on Grammatical Inference, in Proceedings of Machine Learning Research 57:132-136 Available from

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