Extensions to Metric-Based Model Selection

Yoshua Bengio, Nicolas Chapados; 3(Mar):1209-1227, 2003.


Metric-based methods have recently been introduced for model selection and regularization, often yielding very significant improvements over the alternatives tried (including cross-validation). All these methods require unlabeled data over which to compare functions and detect gross differences in behavior away from the training points. We introduce three new extensions of the metric model selection methods and apply them to feature selection. The first extension takes advantage of the particular case of time-series data in which the task involves prediction with a horizon h. The idea is to use at t the h unlabeled examples that precede t for model selection. The second extension takes advantage of the different error distributions of cross-validation and the metric methods: cross-validation tends to have a larger variance and is unbiased. A hybrid combining the two model selection methods is rarely beaten by any of the two methods. The third extension deals with the case when unlabeled data is not available at all, using an estimated input density. Experiments are described to study these extensions in the context of capacity control and feature subset selection.

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