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Greedy Attack and Gumbel Attack: Generating Adversarial Examples for Discrete Data

Puyudi Yang, Jianbo Chen, Cho-Jui Hsieh, Jane-Ling Wang, Michael I. Jordan; 21(43):1−36, 2020.


We present a probabilistic framework for studying adversarial attacks on discrete data. Based on this framework, we derive a perturbation-based method, Greedy Attack, and a scalable learning-based method, Gumbel Attack, that illustrate various tradeoffs in the design of attacks. We demonstrate the effectiveness of these methods using both quantitative metrics and human evaluation on various state-of-the-art models for text classification, including a word-based CNN, a character-based CNN and an LSTM. As an example of our results, we show that the accuracy of character-based convolutional networks drops to the level of random selection by modifying only five characters through Greedy Attack.

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